Monday, February 14, 2011

为《娘惹》身份平反: 名门后裔被误释为中巫混血

娘惹过年的照片一上FB,承蒙总编辑Voo Kc的亲自邀稿,在本报副刊写下这篇拙文共赏,同时也为娘惹的身份来个平反。

Voo Kc: 好文章,大家共赏。在此邀稿,猛稿重赏。
Monday at 4:03pm


这个兔年以娘惹式来拜年,朋友们问:“哦!你们是娘惹吗?”、“还不知道你们就是娘惹呢” 、甚至有人直接问:“你的谁是混合马来血统的?”,更有人说:“你的皮肤白皙,都不像是混血的娘惹!”,甚至有人说:“原来你是娘惹,难怪你的鼻子这么高挺!”


根 据维基百科及百度百科的注解,《峇峇娘惹》(或稱土生華人/侨生)原本是指十五世纪初期定居在海峡殖民地(马六甲、槟榔屿和新加坡)一带的中國明朝移民后 裔,大部分的原籍是中国福建或广东潮汕地区,小部分是广府和客家籍,都是上流社会的大商賈或名門望族之後裔,陆续到南洋来在北马地区及泰南边境进行园丘、 锡矿、米较、树胶、鸦片、出入口贸易等。







因 此,曾祖母及阿嬷等长辈们的娘惹身份地位,在现今的注解里,反而被误以为是中巫通婚的后代,造成每当我们被人惊讶地问起:哦!你是娘惹啊?!,都显得无从 回答。历史上我们确是娘惹的后裔,即从中国南渡的名门之后,可是如果依据目前的旅游文化宣传,却成了中巫混血儿,实在纳闷! ##


Aw Sin Lay: teach me something new :) and u looks nice in the nyonya clothes
Monday at 9:10pm

Ooi Zi Theng: 我外婆和婆婆也是槟城nyonya,所以每次也会被人家问起是否有混血都无言,幼君姐你替我们解释了。。=)
Yesterday at 12:33am

EweChin Eugenice Wong: ZT, pls help to explain to your friends from other states what a nyonya actually is.
Yesterday at 10:51am

Feedback From Facebook Photo Album “Nyonya Memories 娘惹的文忆”:

Wang Chun Pin: Wow, didn't know you are Nyonya. Gong Xi Fa Cai.
February 6 at 12:15pm

Lee Wai Wan: Wow, that is real cool, very lovely.
February 6 at 12:42pm

EweChin Eugenice Wong:
CP: wah, u so fast, i m still uploading. I am not a genuine Nyonya la, just that my AHMA & the past generations all practiced the nyonya life style with typical Nyonya food, costume, furniture etc etc.
WW: tq. more photos to come, he

Sabrina Woong CW: 美美咯。
February 6 at 12:51pm

Bee Lim: Gong Xi Fa Cai!!
February 6 at 1:15pm

Kenny Lee: u r Nyonya ?!
February 6 at 2:32pm

Hooi Theng Loo: Just showed my mother the photos. She could at least recognize everyone there.
February 6 at 3:27pm

Tan Siek Yin: 我喜欢那种感觉,尤其是你这可爱的娘惹
February 6 at 8:16pm

Curtis Ng: wow..really take my breath away, you look gorgeous. Happy New Year, wish you all the best in the year ahead.
February 6 at 9:03pm

Vie Kiku: dear Eugenice, you look great!
Gong Xi Fai Chai! Wishing you and your family bless with Health, Wealth and Prosperity in the Year of the Rabbit!
February 6 at 11:27pm

Desmond Teh: 喲!小娘惹!
February 7 at 12:07am

Saw Hooi Cheng: 娘惹文化永远。
February 7 at 2:33pm

EweChin Eugenice Won:g TQ TQ.
Curtis & Vie: ever heard of Nyonya in HK?
February 7 at 3:08pm

Curtis Ng: um. ..the first thing that comes to mind is some malaysian maids wear Nyonya clothes in weekend....I guess HK people not very familiar with Nyonya culture.
February 7 at 9:19pm

EweChin Eugenice Wong: oh no, Curtis, the Malaysian maids in HK you see are not wearing Nyonya clothes, that should be traditional Malay clothes and they are not Nyonya too .
February 7 at 9:38pm

Vie Kiku: what comes to my mind of 'Nyonya' is all related to - EAT EAT & EAT =p
February 7 at 9:39pm

EweChin Eugenice Wong Nyonya 娘惹 is a special ethnic whereby 英殖民時代由中國南來大馬北部定居的華裔, 大部分都是大商賈或名門之後.
February 7 at 9:48pm

EweChin Eugenice Wong: Yeah Vie, Nyonya is famous for food, kuih, costumes & jewelries.
February 7 at 9:48pm

Curtis Ng: haha...I got it now, thanks for your comprehensive explanation ^_^
February 7 at 10:38pm

waiwan: really love all your nyonya photos, beautiful

Wong Ewe Leng: 三姐妹和妈咪穿上外婆留下的娘惹装,只是不惯露出额头的我看了挺怪的,大概都认不出我了吧!
February 9 at 11:06pm

Hooi Theng Loo: You look mature. But all of you look very good. The photo of my mother in that outfit posted by ewechin was priceless. My son said it was me. Really, looks just like me or Kee in sarung. Guess we now know where we get the look from.

Saw Hooi Cheng: sweet & nice nyonyas wear. Where to buy,expensive or not ? EweLeng is very much alike yr mother among 3 sis.
February 6 at 4:39pm

EweChin Eugenice Wong: Those are not purchased. They were all 一針一線縫制 handmade by my dearest AHMA >50 years ago with good quality and long lasting material.
February 6 at 11:13pm

Ou Wen Choo 文珠: know you so long didn't even realise you're a Nyonya. It's a unique heritage, preserve it well.
February 7 at 11:52am

Kutsi Clarence Yang: what's the occasion? Chinese New Year?

LH Cheah: Beautiful lady!
February 7 at 8:17am

KChoo Lim little nyonya...
February 8 at 1:35am

Choon Bee Zahn Is that you? Beautiful!
February 8 at 8:42am

Jessie Tan Lee Sim u have nyonya blood????
February 11 at 10:50pm

**People who like this album/ photos

Loke Chew Nee
Hoo BeeLee
Khoo Bee Lee
Sabrina Woong CW
Saw Hooi Cheng
Kutsi Clarence Yang
Derrick Vinesh
Yee Lik Vee Cheng
Bee Lim
Saw Lean Yooi
Yenny Chai
Wong Soon Eng
Urameshi Atsuko
Tan Ai Boay
Jen Lim
Yeoh Siew Eng
Celinn Su
Lizbeth Saw
Chao Ai Ling
Jinling Yap
Lk Fft
Tracy H L Lee
Stella Wong Ewe Lee
Sharon Cheah Ui-Hoon
Ooi Ling Ling
KChoo Lim
Lock Cm
Sandiehoo Lei Lin
Goh Siew Khoon
Khoo Bee Lee
Lizbeth Saw
Hoo BeeLee
Ren Zhi
Yee Lik Vee Cheng
Sandiehoo Lei Lin
Khoo Bee Lee
Choon Bee Zahn
Doreen Tay
Cheng Meng Yeen

**People who like this article
Yee Lik Vee Cheng
Yenny Chai
Sabrina Woong CW
Lee Wai Wan
Loh Ching Cheow
Ccheng Teoh
Celinn Su
Doreen Tay
Saw Hooi Cheng
Aw Sin Lay
Low Vin Yin
Low Lai Kuan
Urameshi Atsuko
Thor TeongGee 涂仲儀
Khoo Bee Lee
Mimi Ooi
Loke Chew Nee
Celinn Su
Sabrina Woong CW
Lee Wai Wan
KChoo Lim
Urameshi Atsuko
Khoo Bee Lee
Ccheng Teoh
Daniel Ng
Low Lai Kuan

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