EweChin Eugenice Wong: 今年真是'热'气逼人,半年前中了骨痛热症,现在七老八十出水痘,上下珍珠!
- John Khor Alamak... When you are young, you didn't have chicken pox before?December 3, 2011 at 12:39pm ·
- Lee Wai Wan Don't worry and take care. After this, your skin will be fair and smooth like pearl.December 3, 2011 at 9:08pm ·
- Daphne Tan Chicken pox... it's okay, just watch your diet... and avoid bursting the dou dou.December 3, 2011 at 11:58pm ·
- EweChin Eugenice Wong Arrrggghhhhh.......珍珠数量突破3
00, 全身上下前后都有,连头皮,腋下,鼻孔都不放过!不小心 扫破睡破摸破的也不少! December 4, 2011 at 8:20am · · 1 - Ting Tan I got it when I was in my twenties. I wore gloves and asked my sister to tie my hands when I went to sleep. I didn't want to scratch myself and leave scars on my face and body.December 4, 2011 at 9:36am ·
- Esther Yip I also had it beginning of the year. Same like you, the "pearls" are all over the body. The size was big and mine had pus in them too. You can imagine that... The doc said that the discomfort is more severe as we age.. take care and get well soon.December 4, 2011 at 8:21pm ·
2。与妈咪一起互相照顾、一起食用special diet
於是,妈咪就根据水痘的传染方式,即skin contact with fluids ,故意与小少女更加亲密。
EweChin Eugenice Wong: 俩母女都被珍珠看上, 这个十二月就这样了~~
- Ting Tan Take care. It's better and easier to have it at the same time. Do you know what I mean?December 18, 2011 at 2:32am ·
- Tricia Yong Pui Yan Take good care of yourself. Agreed with Ting, it is better and easier for both of you having it together. Get well soon!December 18, 2011 at 3:09am ·
- EweChin Eugenice Wong Yeah, understand & thx. In fact i 'purposely' let her has it together with me during the year end school holiday so that we can have the same diet. But it is really hard and tiring for a terribly bad patient to look after a young patient who also suffering from high fever, pain n itchiness all over the body.December 18, 2011 at 4:42am ·
- Daphne Tan Agree that it's much "convenient" to have it together... At least your child's not "lonely" with restricted diet :p
Btw. I thought kids nowadays were given chicken pox jab at early age, why then...?December 18, 2011 at 11:05am · - Hooi Theng Loo Always harder to get it as an adult. You will suffer a whole lot more. My son has 2 chicken pox jabs. Still had it, but a minor case of it. The hospital here doesn't like kids at the cancer ward to get a full blown case of chicken pox.December 18, 2011 at 1:17pm ·
出水痘, 小少女的心情又怕又惊又喜,因为终於可以和妈咪一起一样了。
Day 1 企鹅装
可是,来到第二天,情况慢慢增长,小少女的水痘比妈咪更多,散布全身每一寸肌肤,连手指缝之间也可以长满3 粒挤在一起。
Day 2 颗颗小珍珠期
Day 16 结疤期
Day 21 脱疤期
Day 21 脱疤期
这段疼苦的日子,妈咪不断地以 {一切都会过去的} 这句话及例举多宗实例,让彼此一同撑过。
- EweChin Eugenice Wong Finished 2 big bottles of calamine, anti virus med, pain killers, anti itchy and so much of cool herbs. Both of us suffering with the most maximum blown out, from head to toe, not missing out every single cm of skin. Still a lot not yet dry even reaching 3rd week. No a good sleep for so long.December 20, 2011 at 11:29am · · 1
- Teo Lee Ni my daughter one, the doctor gave her a medicine call "Zovirax", so expensive RM150. after eat, very fast cureDecember 20, 2011 at 11:31am ·
- Joanne Loh Malays believe in sleeping on a banana leaf to cool down your itchy skin during chicken pox, try and see.December 20, 2011 at 11:35am ·
- EweChin Eugenice Wong thanks everyone. @Teoh Lee Ni: we took a full course of Zovirax for 7 days.
Doc said our full blown out because both our immune systems are so strong and good fighters that keep fighting with the virus. Less blown out means less fighting. :S
The miracle healing of Aloe Vera 蘆薈
每天媽咪都幫小少女全身上下涂蘆薈汁, 必須小心避免觸及傷口疼痛尖叫, 更要避免讓搖搖欲脫的疤皮掉落, 形成終身的洞洞.
每天至少三次, 每次至少需要一個小時, 才能涂完全身的傷疤.
除了直接涂抹在肌肤上, 媽咪也每隔三天就煮一次的蘆薈糖水, 小少女最喜歡.
爸爸更買了大小兩支醫生介紹的除疤痕膏Hiruscar , 價格不菲 , 希望两母女可以快快除疤。
EweChin Eugenice Wong:
2012-01-01 new year GIFT exchange : hb bought me an iPhone 4S and i passed him a full blown out of chicken pox! ~Both surprise gifts!!
- Lee Wai Wan Wahaha so happy! What a good exchange, then you can take extra good care of him,January 3 at 2:11pm ·
- Emily Lin EC, I left an urgent message in your 'messages'. Pls ckeck immediately.January 3 at 8:33pm ·
- John Khor Jealous lo. Pls ask Siri on how to take care a husband with chicken pox :)January 8 at 2:21am ·
- Wong Ewe Leng wah! hoese liao ! the coming biggest project shouldn't be problem lo.
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