跨世纪的相聚 —— 槟华女中88年毕业班同学联谊会通知
岁月能够改变我们的容颜,却改变不了我们的同窗情谊! 让我们一起重温二十年前在槟华度过的岁月,感怀母校恩情,把失去的联系拾起,将尘封的记忆打开,让聚会成为新的起点与桥梁,共织绚丽的未来,一起来吧!亲爱的同学,来临的聚会将是我们生命中永恒的灿烂,让我们奔走相告:来吧!再聚首!看看阔别的校园,徜徉于母校的怀抱中,听听并不陌生的声音,用我们的聚会再次点燃我们心中的激情!同学们,您的到来就是聚会的成功!就让散落在天南地北的我们,相约聚集在恩情满溢的母校礼堂,一起重拾二十年的情愫,一起追忆同窗情,一起叙旧说今,更一起与亲爱的老师们相聚!
毕业了二十年,我们到底为母校做了什么?奉献了什么?饮水思源,让我们借此机会回馈母校,当年我们以母校为荣,今日就让母校以我们为荣吧!联谊会筹备组希望这次的联谊会可达到为母校至少筹到两万令吉的目标。冀望大家踊跃捐献回馈!同学可把钱汇入财政李惠妘和戴慧琴的联名户口Eon Bank 0 -666-11-000-2444,于支付单位之处写下LEE WAI WAN AND TAY HUEY KHIM,然后传真存入单据给李惠妘同学,传真号码为04-6563290,请别忘了写上您的姓名,以方便填写收据。
于此,希望同学们将个人资料及照片按附表项目填写,邮寄予刘丽芬同学lay_foon_lau@dell.com 或苏彬彬同学jeanne_i_saw@dell.com以制作纪念刊。此刊将在同学聚会时交到或寄到各位同学手中。因此,不论您能否到会,请一定将个人资料及照片邮寄过来。收集截止日期为2008年6月15日。
此聚餐只限于同学聚会,家属一概不可携带出席,不便之处,敬请原谅。难得的二十年一见,且让我们好好把握,好好珍惜,尽情倾诉,一心叙旧。请大家奉献出宝贵的一夜,让我们一起缠绵缠绵吧!真诚希望同学们为20年一聚的联谊会投下支持的一票,踊跃出席参加。 您的出席是我们的期待。
It is a great honor to announce to you all that we will be having
our 20 years reunion this year 2008. We believe it will be an
exciting moment for everyone looking forward to meeting our old
buddies, catching up with news after so many years, meeting our
teachers, ¡¡ We believe it will be a memorable day for us.
Hence, please reserve in your calendar for 30th Aug 2008 (Saturday),
5:00pm ¨C 10:00pm. We will have our reunion buffet dinner at PCGHS
main hall. Don't worry, the hall is now fully air-con and it will be
a nice place for us to gather.
Through this reunion, we also wish to take this opportunity to
contribute back to our beloved high school with a minimum fund
target of RM20,000. So, please donate generously. You can bank in
your money to Eon Bank 0-666-11-000- 2444, put down (a/c holders) LEE
WAI WAN AND TAY HUEY KHIM. If you are in overseas and wish to
contribute, you may need the following detail of the bank account.
EON Bank Berhad, 300 Jalan Jelutong, 11600 Penang
Swift Code : EOBBMYKL
Then, you can fax your pay slip to Lee Wai Wan at 04-6563290. Please
remember to state your name so that the official receipt can be
issued to you.
The other way to do the contribution is through advertisement in the
reunion magazine that we are working on now. A full page, half page
& quarter page advertisement will cost RM1000, RM500 & RM250
respectively. Please feel free to contact Leong Guek Kim at 012-
4920280 or email her at eugenice@yahoo. com.tw should you need
further clarification about this.
Besides that, we also like to compile your latest profile and we
will like to publish that in the reunion magazine. You can fill up
your information together with your photos in the attached file.
Please send back this profile to Lau Lay Foon at
lay_foon_lau@ dell.com or Saw Ping Ping at jeanne_j_saw@ dell.com.
The ticket for the dinner will be sold at RM100 each. The money that
you pay is not only for the dinner, but also for the reunion
magazine, door gifts and miscellaneous expenses. The balance of this
will definitely be contributed to the fund. The committee members
are trying hard to lower the cost so that we can have more to give
back to our school. We are sorry to say that spouse or family
members are not encouraged to bring along for this reunion as we
wish to use this opportunity for ourselves to meet up and have a
good chat! However, you can bring along whatever photos that you
will like to show us!!
The reunion dinner ticket can be purchased from Lee Wai Wan (012-
4278620), Doreen Tay Huey Khim (016-4110619) , Tang Hooi Ying (012-
4277917), Khoo Lian Kim (012-2381479) or Chiew Hooi Ling (012-
If you wish to know more about this reunion, please feel free to
contact anyone as mentioned above.